Monday, June 5, 2017

Attacking Cover 3 with Empty: A "Hoss Y Juke" Variation

Here are two of my favorite ways to attack cover three out of empty. These two are great because they attack quickly, and are simple progression reads for the quarterback.

1. "Hoss Y Juke"

I wrote about this play a few years ago. CLICK HERE to read the article.

Zach Dunn had an extensive write up on it more recently. CLICK HERE to check it out.

2. Hitches with a split-seam (please excuse the crude drawing)

This play attacks the same landmarks and "Hoss Y Juke", but has potential for creating a bigger play. The two receiver side will run hitches, and the #3 on the opposite side will run a "split seam" to get to the seam on the opposite side of the field. This creates a nice triangle for the quarterback. If the underneath defenders take the bait (hitch routes), this will open up the split-seam route.

Unless the hook defender commits to the inside hitch route, the hitches will be open every time. If the weak side hook defender commits to the inside hitch, the split-seam will be open. It's a 3 on 2 in the offense's favor.

Here are a few videos of the Saints running it. In the second video, Brees tries to get the ball to the split-seam route, but gets hit as he is throwing it.

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